Our Story.
In September 2017, Knox Martin's life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with a relentless and aggressive form of brain cancer. Despite the challenges posed by surgeries, treatments, and setbacks, Knox exemplified resilience by continuing to set goals and embrace life to the fullest. He traversed the globe, pursued his education, and proudly graduated from the University of Georgia in 2020. Tragically, Knox's journey was cut short when he succumbed to the clutches of Glioblastoma (GBM) in December 2020, leaving behind a legacy of unwavering determination at the young age of 24.
The Knox Martin Foundation for Brain Cancer Research emerged less than four months after Knox's passing, born out of the resolute desire to transform tragedy into progress. This foundation, steeped in purpose and driven by love, embarks on a mission to defy the grim realities that brain cancer—specifically Glioblastoma—presents.
Despite being first identified in the scientific literature in the 1920s, there are only four FDA-approved drugs to treat Glioblastoma (GBM). Four in 100 years. For GBM, the five-year relative survival rate is only 7.2% and median survival is only 8 months.
These devastating statistics attest to the severely underfunded and under-researched nature of brain cancer treatments – particularly treatments for GBM. Few research studies are conducted in aggressive brain cancers each year because the disease is so deadly; yet the disease remains deadly because so few research studies exist. Our goal is to end this infinite loop.
Our mission is to fund innovative research on aggressive brain cancers to give patients a shot at a longer life. Our vision is a world where a GBM diagnosis is treatable and curable.
Today, we partner with the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University. The Duke Brain Tumor Center uses our funding to study new, innovative therapies in patients with Glioblastoma. Because of the generosity of our donors, the top research minds in the world are focusing their energy and attention on eradicating this devastating disease.
We are honored to serve alongside and partner with you, our beloved friends, donors, community partners, and sponsors to make good on the promise made to Knox the day he passed: we will never stop fighting to end brain cancer and we will spend the rest of our lives funding innovative brain cancer research so someone else’s Knox can have a shot at a longer life.
Want to read more about our clinical trials and partnership with the Duke Brain Tumor Center?